
Secure Chat with GPT

Don't let information privacy or security concerns prevent you from engaging the power of Generative A.I!

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Key Features

Engage the power of Generative A.I. while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

Watch on YouTube: "AnonAmaze Walkthrough"

Transparent Anonymisation

Ensure your private or confidential information stays secure through automatic and transparent anonymization.

Projects and Teams

Our Projects capability enables you to create & share dictionaries, chats, and more with your teams!

Choose your GPT

Select which A.I. Provider or Model is best for your task.

Personal Information Protection

We won't share your personal information with our AI providers.

Data Loss Prevention

Our smart tools reduce the risk of unintentional sharing of sensitive information.

Data Sovereignty

Your sensitive data stays within your chosen geography.

Privacy Audits

Automatically assess your chat message for potential privacy or confidentiality issues.

Strong Encryption

Your sensitive data is kept secure through strong encryption.

Ask us about

We've got a number of amazing features coming in our product pipeline.

flow of information

Your Region

We can easily expand into new regions through our cloud hosting partners. Just ask!


We make it easy to host AnonAmaze on a dedicated instance in your region, or even on your own servers.

Security Compliance

We're targeting information security compliance, prioritising Privacy and Confidentiality requirements.

Local Classification & Audit

We're developing local privacy information classifiers to improve performance and independence.

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